The Fast and the Fossil Fuelled

When two worlds collide: Fashion and the climate crisis.

Do our clothes have a connection to rising sea levels? Yes, unfortunately they do. While each individual piece of clothing has a small footprint on the planet, when we add it up, we get a much bigger footprint. A footprint that ranks as the fourth largest CO2 emitter in the world.

That is a bigger emitter than Russia.

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What are we celebrating?

Its time we wake up. Sustainability and ethics should be default, not an advertising opportunity.

Fast fashion brands love an opportunity to advertise.

In recent years, big brands have started advertising the small steps they are taking towards achieving their sustainability goals. Usually they launch an ethical capsule collection, pay celebrities to wear it and throw a few champagne parties. They use buzz words like conscious to considered to indicate that they are on board with conscious consumption and sustainability values.

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